My Whole World

My Whole World

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bee Stings OUCH

Oh dear now this is a good story to tell him when he gets older! :) Tom goes over to his best friends house to play volleyball once a week, and while the boys have a great time playing volleyball I have a great time letting the kids play together and hanging out with my best friend. Well, as we were sitting on the grass watching them play in the sand box Kaden picked up a toy car and was playing with it, all of a sudden I see about 3 or 4 bee's surround him very angry. Now I HATE BEE's so I was very scared myself because I had a previous terrifying experience. But I ran to him and picked him up and ran as fast as I could toward the house, while my friend saved her baby! From Kaden's screams I can tell he had gotten stung, and it was indeed painful. I found to my surprise he had been stung 3 times on his nose and once on the forehead and also on the palm of his hand. So we rush in the house trying anything we could think of... then we rushed to the store to get Benadryl and his face started to swell and I knew he was going to be sore for awhile. No respiratory problems thank goodness, and he quickly started smiling and having fun playing again shortly after he got stung, but his poor face and nose looked so painful for a few days! I didn't get any pictures of the worse day, so in these the swelling is down quite a bit but you get the idea! Poor Kaden!


Erin Anderson said...

Holy Cow! Those bees did a number on him! I sure miss you guys! You need to come around and spend some time with us.

Amber said...

oh sad! poor little guy. i got my first bee sting this summer too. ouch is right!

The Whites said...

Poor little guy! I have more questions, call when you get a sec

The Hoffmans said...

Aww, I hate Bee's. I am glad he is ok.