Great support for Kaden's birthday party!

Steve did a fun activity... the cowboy won, go Scott!

This picture is just for Erin and I, getting back at you for the makeover pictures! hehehe...

Hey Pay attention to ME! hehe

My Bro is so easy going.. awwww!

Ok here is a nice picture of Lexi and Camille.. AWWW!
Thanks Buddy for making the cake, its a great memory! LOVE YOU
Happy Birthday to you... Happy birthday to you...

YES mom let you have it all... get messy child, for crying out loud!


I think he loved it!!!

It was an awesome birthday.. what a awesome memory. I love my little baby so much, even tho he isnt so little! I love you and congrats on turning ONE babe!
Ah! Happy First Birthday Kaden! We love you buddy!
Oh this was cute and fun!
What a cutie! Happy Birthday buddy! You are growing right up!
Ha ha... now you have your revenge... but hey I put my own no makeup pic up too so how is that fair?
I can't resist commenting on Kaden's birthday pictures. He is so dang cute and I especially like the last one. He looks like he just might be sick. Too cute. I love checking out your blog. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at the Christmas party. love you, Aunt Jan
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